The term “acupuncturist” is not at present legally protected in the same way that “osteopath”, “solicitor”, or “dietitian” is. There are historic reasons for this, which include the number of regulatory bodies for the profession that once proliferated. Unfortunately, the result of this is that anybody could put a sign up in a shop window… Continue reading

Autumn Newsletter 2013

Look out for this newsletter coming out later this week. If you wish to be included on the mailing list, please email your details.

Contact Details

I am currently getting patchy coverage from my mobile phone provider in some areas. If you are unable to contact me by telephone, please try again later or drop me an email.


This Qi Gong posture comes from a form called the Shaolin Neigong, which was developed by monks in China at around 65 A.D. It was originally developed as part of a fighting technique, but it was subsequently realised that such postures brought internal health to particular organs and systems in the body. Many of these… Continue reading

Phoenix Spreads Its Wings

This Qi Gong posture comes from a form called the Shaolin Neigong, which was developed by monks in China at around 65 A.D. It was originally developed as part of a fighting technique, but it was subsequently realised that such postures brought internal health to particular organs and systems in the body. Many of these… Continue reading


This is a form of Qi Gong that serves to protect us against any hostile energy, whether it be a physical threat, emotional, colds and viruses, or any negative influence. In ancient China, it was used by practitioners entering areas with epidemics.

The more you are able to visualise as you carry this out, the… Continue reading

The Five Elements

This five elements are used, in both Chinese culture and philosophy and in Chinese medicine specifically, to describe all aspects of natural phenomena. Each element refers to certain aspects of nature and existence. The five elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.


Wood relates to Spring and has an outward momentum. The colour… Continue reading

Alternative To Medical Induction

There are many reasons why a medical induction may be recommended. These include when a pregnancy has gone post-term, if there is premature rupture of the membranes, various health factors affecting the mother, and if the uterine environment is no longer considered healthy.

Medical induction usually involves the administration of synthetic prostaglandin to induce labour… Continue reading

Patient Testimonial

This testimonial was posted on
Zee wrote a review of London Acupuncture Therapy Low-Cost Clinic:
Mark helped me feel at ease during my treatment for acute knee pain. I was amazed that a 5 year problem disappeared after acupuncture. For years I had struggled to walk uphill, and for long distances and now I… Continue reading

Mother Warming Treatment

This is a traditional Chinese technique to help recovery following childbirth and to begin to restore the mother’s energy. And the best news of all is that it does not actually involve needles! With the mother warming technique, a stick of a herb called Moxa is used to lightly warm some points on the abdomen… Continue reading

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